Technology has really never been my thing. I use it in probably the most simplistic ways possible. I can access my emails, social media, and other pertinent websites but I have never really been one to take a lot of time to learn more about technology. I know that technology is a valuable tool but I honestly haven't explored it as much as I probably should have. I use my personal computer for most things and I use my phone for contacting people and other recreational use. I'm excited to learn a lot more during this class and to become better with my technology use.
I hope that in this class I will be able to become more familiar with the various uses of technology. I am already so excited to learn more about blogging and the various benefits that it has in publishing my ideas as well as being able to interact with others. I want to learn how I can use technology better in the classroom as well or even just in teaching in general. Although I have a basic understanding of several different technological tools, I want to learn how to use those same tools in a much more dynamic way for teaching. I also want to develop my skill set so that I will be able to be very flexible in my teaching, allowing me to use technology when it is helpful and not having to fumble around trying to figure it out. I'm super excited to learn more!
I can definitely relate to what you said, I'm not the best at technology either! But I think we will benefit from this class and learn more. I think you'll be able to get what you want from this class and use it as a future teacher.
Well I guess you're in the right class then! I'm glad you have a positive outlook on your future learning; technology can be daunting from the outside, but really loses its intimidation-factor once you get down and dirty with it. I'm sure you'll find lots of great ideas for your future classes!
I appreciate your honesty about technology. It isn’t my favorite thing either, but I love that you are wanting to gain more knowledge to have more skills in the classroom. I am hoping to do the same! I agree that with a better knowledge of technology we can have more resources as teachers.